Applicant's Name* First Last Company Name(If Applicable)Email* PhoneSome Questions About Your BusinessIs this business...* New Existing Not started yet Please describe your business*What do you enjoy doing?*(Personally and Professionally)What do you like doing the least?*(Personally and Professionally)Are you planning on running this business?* Yes, full time Yes, part time No Do you want to make a good living at this business or do you want to create wealth?* Make a living Create wealth Is your family supportive of what you are doing?* Yes No Not sure Are you considering a partner?* Yes No Why are you considering a partner?*Who are the potential customers for your product or service?*Do you or will you have competition?* Yes No Who is the competition?*How is your product or service different than that of your competition?*What are your defendable strategic advantages?*Why would customers want to buy from you rather than the competition?*Does your product/service have testimonials from users/customers?* Yes No SWOT Analysis: List your STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES internal to your company and list your OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS external to your company.Strengths*Weaknesses*Opportunities*Threats*What is the VISION for your company?*Note: A VISION statement is what you would like for the company to be in the future. Example: The ABC Company will be the premier provider of power equipment to the construction and trade industries in the USA.What is the MISSION of your company?*Note: The MISSION describes the current state of the business and why it exists. Example: The MISSION of the ABC Company is to provide power equipment that is both safe and economical to use in all aspects of the construction industry.If applicable, where will you get the funding necessary to start your business?*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ